We were able to register and have 66 students from grades K-12th attend our Batibot
and Bagets youth programs this year since we opened up in February 2022!
We were able to successfully host our first annual graduation celebration here at FCS
with 24 total graduates with an attendance of around 120 people!
We were able to accomplish our reporting goals for our BSK and L+L grants this year.
We were able to extend our funding from BSK through the BSK SOWA 2.0 grant
Successfully integrated S.T.E.A.M. and cultural learning into the Batibot and Bagets youth
programs for Grades K-12
Established steady relationships with FASA (Filipino American Student Association), UFC (United Filipino Club), Chi Theta Psi (Filipino fraternity), UW professors, Seattle Public Schools, and other BIPOC led organizations. Along with this, we've established very close relationships with parents and families in our program as well as Filipino clubs around Seattle public schools and Seattle Nativity themselves.
Successfully executed field trips to many places around Seattle such as Microsoft, MOPOP, Rainier Beach Urban Farm, Pacific Science Center, Boeing Future of Flight, and the Flight Museum.